
What To Do If You Are In An Accident

Most people do not live their day-to-day life thinking about what to do if they are in an auto accident. Others need help once they’ve already been in a car wreck, and they may be confused, intimidated, or afraid. At Hopson Legal, we have some recommendations to help you get through the immediate issues so that you can best protect your legal rights. If you follow these steps, it will help you to pursue recovery through your insurance claim or lawsuit.

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Do You Know Your Rights? Probably Not

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that “all men…are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Those are the big three rights that everyone seems to know. Did you know you have many more? Did you know that even these three are sometimes unclear under the law?

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Kaitlin Stringer
How Do I Deal With The Insurance Company On My Personal Injury Claim?

If you have been injured in a car wreck and it is not your fault, the other side may have insurance that covers your injuries and property damage. In addition, your own insurance provider may have coverage that will help pay those bills. But just because there is insurance does not mean you will be properly paid by the insurance company. So how should you deal with the insurance company in handling your claim?

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Do I Need A Lawyer?

Many people, if not most, will never need a lawyer. Most of life’s interactions are simple and easily navigated. But there are times when you are well advised to have the advice and counsel of a lawyer and, in fact, should not proceed without one. So when are those times?

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