
Do I Need A Lawyer?

Many people, if not most, will never need a lawyer. Most of life’s interactions are simple and easily navigated. But there are times when you are well advised to have the advice and counsel of a lawyer and, in fact, should not proceed without one. So when are those times? Let’s start with the basics:

1.  You have been arrested.  If you have been arrested, or given a citation, or are even being investigated by local, state, or federal authorities, you need a lawyer. And I mean that you REALLY NEED a lawyer. This is the most important time that you need a lawyer, and I recommend that you do whatever it takes to have one. In our system of justice, police are not required to tell you the truth. Police are not required to treat you with fairness. And they know that talking with you might give them evidence they need, but don’t already have, to convict you of a crime. Often, a person will cooperate with police or investigators if they have committed a crime, or if they are trying to avoid being charged with a crime. Nearly every time the police will use this good will, take the information they gain from a person’s trust, and use it against them without giving the person any consideration or favorable treatment. If you are questioned as a suspect, or if you are under arrest, the only thing you should say is “I want to talk to a lawyer,” and then say nothing else.  

2.  You have been injured and it is not your fault.  If you are injured because of the actions of someone else, perhaps in a car wreck or because of some defect on their property, I highly recommend you hire a lawyer. Any injury may be painful and limiting, but it also may be permanent. If it is caused by someone else, you are entitled to recovery of money that will pay your medical bills, pay you for pain and suffering, and put you as close to the position you were in before you were hurt. This is called being “made whole.” In many cases, the action or negligence that caused your injury will be covered by insurance. But you should not rely on the insurance being available. That is because insurance companies hire professionals whose job it is to blame you for the injury, place the blame on others so that the claim is not covered by insurance, or deny your insurance claim. In addition, communications you make with the insurance company may be used at trial, usually in a way to reduce your recovery. Having a lawyer handle your claim provides you more strength in negotiations against the insurance company and allows the lawyer to use his or her education and knowledge to best position your claim for a lawsuit if the insurance company refuses to make you whole.

3.  You may have a dispute that risks your money or livelihood. In addition to the two instances above, you may find yourself in a sticky situation in which someone believes you owe them money, or in which you believe you have been harmed financially in some way that threatens your business, your ability to earn a living, your income, and/or your family’s well-being. Call a lawyer sooner, rather than later. In these instances it generally costs you nothing to consult with an attorney and be informed about your rights. And it may be that the lawyer will work on a contingency basis - meaning the lawyer does not get paid unless the lawyer gets you paid.

If you find yourself in any of these situations. We are here to help you. With nearly two decades of litigation experience in a number of legal specialties, Hopson Legal looks forward to helping you get the answers you need, and the recovery you deserve. 

Call us at any time, day or night, at (405) 673-7560 or (405) 633-0195.